Greenhouse - Beamery Integration

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Table of Contents

Internal & External Documentation



GH Data Mapping Doc

GH <> Beam Integration

CS Support Document

Beam : Quick overview - Flyer

Beam Setup Doc


Current GH integration set up for Testing/Sales/Support purpose



Staging & Preview

Greenhouse Preview+Staging

Canary & EU-Prod

Beamery Canary+EU Demo


Beamery Prod Demo


Beamery Sandbox Demo






Contact (prospect)

Candidate as Prospect

Candidate not in any vacancy

Contact (candidate)


Candidate in at least 1 vacancy



Role in the company

Vacancy Stages

Interview Stage

Stages in a hiring process


Integration Overview

The Greenhouse Integration allows you to seamlessly combine sourcing and recruiting processes between Beamery and Greenhouse. In Beamery, you can view vacancies and a candidate's application state managed through Greenhouse. You can also push new contacts sourced in Beamery to Greenhouse. For a full list of features supported by this integration, please see the data flow and data mapping below.

Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 15.42.35.png

  Greenhouse to Beamery Beamery to Greenhouse
Create / Update Vacancy check_mark_64.png cross_mark_64.png
Block Confidential Vacancy (configurable) check_mark_64.png cross_mark_64.png
Create Contact without vacancy check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Create Contact with vacancy (application) check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Update Contact check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Block Confidential Candidate (configurable) check_mark_64.png cross_mark_64.png
Contact Attachment check_mark_64.png cross_mark_64.png
Public Notes check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Merge Contact check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Anonymize Contact check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Create / Update Sources check_mark_64.png cross_mark_64.png
Create / Update Profile / Candidate Tags check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png




Data Flow

Greenhouse Jobs that are updated since the last sync in Greenhouse are imported to Beamery to create or update vacancies periodically (every 1-3 hours). The import is done by Beamery retrieving Greenhouse jobs using the Greenhouse Harvest API - Get Jobs. The storing of Greenhouse Jobs ID enables Beamery to either create a new vacancy or update an existing one.

Block confidential Vacancies: It is also possible to block confidential Greenhouse vacancies from syncing to Beamery.

Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 13.55.35.png

Data Mapping

Beamery Greenhouse Greenhouse to Beamery
Field Name Field Reference Type Field Name Field Reference Type API
Integration > Greenhouse > ID (required) greenhouse>id string Requisition ID requisition_id string check_mark_64.png
Title (required) vacancy_title string Internal Job Name internal_name string check_mark_64.png
Department department string Department department string check_mark_64.png
Description vacancy_description text Job Notes notes text check_mark_64.png
Location location string Office offices string check_mark_64.png
Privacy visibility enum Confidential confidential boolean check_mark_64.png
map or block
Salary salary string Salary ID (custom field) id string check_mark_64.png
Stages stage array Job Stages job   check_mark_64.png
Status status enum Status status string check_mark_64.png


Public and Private Vacancy

The integration maps vacancy confidentiality in the following way. It is also possible to block Greenhouse confidential jobs from being imported. (Executive Search is required.)


Beamery default configurations

Jobs – Public

Mapped as public Vacancy

Jobs – Confidential

Mapped as private Vacancy (can be blocked)


Vacancy Stages

Greenhouse Jobs can have their own unique set of stages, which are imported and visible in Beamery as well.


Beamery Stages vs Greenhouse Stages

  1. Beamery configures vacancies differently from Greenhouse. We sync across stages for vacancies, and this can be filtered within vacancies, but not across all contacts for Greenhouse contacts, since the stages differ from one vacancy to another. Said another way, vacancies created in Beamery have the same set of stages, which are configured in Settings. Greenhouse jobs do not have the same set of stages for all vacancies. GH stages can now be filtered via Profile > Grid filter > vacancy stages and Recipes > Filters i.e Automation. But Greenhouse stages are not visible in Settings. This limits the ability to use Filter Vacancy Stage IS/IS NOT throughout some parts of the product, including Pools & campaigns

    In Greenhouse Hired and Rejected are 'flags' and not stages. Beamery does not have flags and therefore flags are not mapped in Beamery. Candidates cannot be recognised as hired or rejected. However, rejected candidates are easily identified with a rejection reason, which is a field on the application in Beamery.

Vacancy Status

Beamery has the following list of possible Vacancy Types.














Vacancy by Department

Beamery allows you to sort by GH departments. Just click on the Vacancy Group in the Vacancies Tab.


Contacts / Candidates


Data Flow

Contacts are synced bi-directionally between Beamery and Greenhouse. 

Beamery to Greenhouse
Contacts created in Beamery are not exported to Greenhouse by default. This is expected, as newly sourced talent may not be ready or qualified to apply for jobs. There are four ways for contact data to be synced to Greenhouse. The push is done by Beamery using Greenhouse API Post Candidate and Patch Candidate.

  1. You can trigger a contact to be pushed to Greenhouse by clicking on a button on the profile.


2. You can select multiple contacts and bulk Add to Greenhouse


3. You can configure when contacts should be pushed to Greenhouse depending on your process using Beamery's Automation. For example, 'if a contact is added to a vacancy, then add to Greenhouse.'


4. Once a contact exists in both systems (contact in Beamery will have a Greenhouse ID and URL which are hidden), subsequent updates made to the contact in Beamery will automatically sync to Greenhouse. 


Greenhouse to Beamery

Prospects and candidates created and updated in Greenhouse are imported to Beamery. Beamery gets notified by Greenhouse using Webhooks when a contact is created or updated. (Note: that not all updates create a Webhook notification such as adding a tag, a note or bulk actions.) The notification includes all data for Beamery to create or update contacts. The integration also identifies existing contacts in Beamery when a Greenhouse contact with the same email is imported. The Beamery contact is updated with the new data from Greenhouse. However, if there are duplicates in Greenhouse with the same email, these contacts are not auto-merged in Beamery to avoid loss of data in Beamery. (The integration supports bi-directional contact merges when you merge them yourself).


Block Private Contacts 

It is possible to block Greenhouse contacts that are marked as private from being created in Beamery. This can be set by Beamery if requested. Greenhouse contacts that are in confidential vacancies are not blocked.

Why we ask you to enable Auto-Merge by Email in Greenhouse


Both Beamery and Greenhouse are able to identify an existing contact in a similar fashion. For example, you can enable auto merge in Greenhouse Settings, so when a candidate applies to another job using the same email, the existing contact is updated in Greenhouse with the new information. In Beamery, when you use CSV import through the Settings page, Beamery recognises an existing contact by email or unique social URL (e.g. LinkedIn) and updates existing contact with the new information.

However, auto merging contacts through the above methods can cause one system to have more contacts than the other, which would impact the data being synced correctly. For example, if Beamery would auto-merges two contacts, Greenhouse would still have the duplicates with different vacancies attached. Since Greenhouse is the source of truth, an update on one duplicate would overwrite the contact in Beamery. As a result, in Beamery the contact will only have the vacancies of one of the duplicate contacts, but not both.

The integration does not support auto merging when Greenhouse duplicates with the same email are imported to Beamery. However, it auto merges when there is a Beamery contact not yet pushed to Greenhouse yet and a Greenhouse contact with same email is imported.

Note: Beamery recommends you enable auto merge in Greenhouse to avoid the creation of many duplicates in both systems. 

Greenhouse - Beamery Diagram Overview

Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 11.47.12.png

Merge Duplicates

The integration supports bi-directional sync when you merge contacts in Greenhouse or Beamery. When you merge duplicates with Greenhouse ID in Beamery, then the duplicates will also be merged in Greenhouse and vice versa.

GDPR - Anonymize Contacts

To be compliant with GDPR, Beamery will support anonymization of contact data when candidates opt out. Once a contact is anonymized in Beamery, contact information is deleted and any updates from the ATS are blocked.

Greenhouse has similar consent and anonymization features, and the Beamery-Greenhouse integration supports two-way anonymizationThe integration also supports two different configurations.

1. Bi-directional anonymization
If your recruitment workflows require anonymization to be enabled in both systems, then the integration allows bi-directional anonymization. Anonymizing a contact in Beamery will anonymize contact in Greenhouse and vice versa.

2. Greenhouse to Beamery anonymization
If your recruitment workflows requires Greenhouse to be the source of truth for all anonymization, the integration can be configured so Greenhouse is used to anonymize contacts in both systems, if the contact exists in both systems. User cannot annonymize a Greenhouse contact in Beamery, but they can still anonymize a Beamery contact that does not yet exist in Greenhouse

Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 15.57.53.png

Note: that Greenhouse allows anonymised contacts to be re-added, while Beamery does not  allow this until candidate’s consent is received. Contacts that have been re-added in Greenhouse will NOT be added to Beamery until consent is received.




What data is removed?

All data is deleted except First/Last Name, Email and Social URLs, which are hidden from users' view. These prevent anonymized contacts from being accidentally added back into Beamery.

You can configure what data to be deleted.

How is anonymized contact different to a standard contact?

Anonymized contacts are not visible nor editable. Any updates from Greenhouse are also blocked. If however, a duplicate is created in Greenhouse, a new contact is also created in Beamery.

Anonymized contacts are not different to standard contacts. User can view and update contacts that were anonymized.

How to un-anonymize a contact?

Users can provide consent link to the candidates if requested or Super Admin can directly un-anonymize the contact.

There is no un-anonymization required. User can simply update the contact.
Updates do not synchronize to Beamery, if contact is anonymized in Beamery.


To learn more about our how to configure the anonymization workflow for your instance please read our Greenhouse Configuration Documentation.

Contact Data Mapping

Beamery Greenhouse Greenhouse to Beamery Beamery to Greenhouse
Field Name Field Reference Type Field Name Field Reference Type API API
Integration > Greenhouse > ID (required) integration>greenhouse>id string Candidate ID Candidate_ID string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
View in ATS URL (required) integration>greenhouse>url string Beamery autogenerates the Greenhouse URL - check_mark_64.png cross_mark_64.png
First Name (required) firstName string First Name First_Name string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Last Name (required) lastName string Last Name Last_Name string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Email (required) emails array Email Address Email_Address string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Attachment attachment   Attachments attachments url check_mark_64.png cross_mark_64.png
Consent Status consentStatus boolean Custom Field custom_field enum cross_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Global Tag globalTag array Tags tags array cross_mark_64.png cross_mark_64.png
Phone phoneNumbers array Phone Number phone_number string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Last Consent Date lastConsentDate date Custom Field custom_field text cross_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Links links array Website, Social Media website_addresses, social_media_addresses string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Location>Address address string Address address string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Location>Country country string - - string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Location>Post Code postCode string - - - check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Notes notes object - -   check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Primary Role title string Title title string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Primary Company company string Company company string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Profile Tags tags array Tags tags array check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Source source enum - -   check_mark_64.png
Only on contact creation
Vacancy Integration ID
that the contact applied to
vacancyId string Job Requisition ID vacancyId string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Vacancy Stage (required)
associated to the vacancies the contact applied to
stageName enum Workflow Step stageName string check_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png
Rejection Reason
associated to the vacancies the contact applied to
rejectionReason string Rejection Reason rejection_reason string check_mark_64.png cross_mark_64.png
GH > Candidate / Referral - (set to the user) N/A - Credited To credited_to string cross_mark_64.png check_mark_64.png


You can upload CV / resumes and other attachments to a prospect or candidate in Greenhouse. By default, CV / resumes are imported to Beamery, whereas other attachments are not. 

Greenhouse does not notify Beamery when a new CV / resume is uploaded. However, when any other profile data is updated, the new files are imported to Beamery.

Confidential Candidate

Beamery imports all contacts that are made available from the import. Currently, the integration maps confidential Greenhouse contacts as public Beamery contacts. However you can request that confidential Greenhouse contacts are blocked from being imported to Beamery.

Creation Source

In Beamery, the Creation Source of a contact allows you to identify how the contact was created for example 'Manual' (contact created via the App) or 'CSV Import'. For contacts created from Greenhouse, the creation source is set to Greenhouse. This allows you to filter for any contacts created from Greenhouse or use an Automation Recipe (e.g. check contacts with creation source = Greenhouse, then add Global Tag).

Note: This is different from source, which identifies how the contact is known to the company e.g. LinkedIn or Event.

Custom Field Mapping using Tags

There are two field types that exist in Greenhouse which are not currently available to map via integration when synchronizing data from Greenhouse.

  • Credit to – When pushing data from Beamery to Greenhouse, we map the Beamery 'assigned to' field to push into the Greenhouse credit to field. However, this credit to field is not available to synchronise from Greenhouse. We import users into Beamery, but the credit to field is not imported into Beamery. A Greenhouse user will not see which users from Greenhouse are assigned to vacancies and contacts in Beamery. This is because this data is not available via integration, and because not every Greenhouse user is in Beamery, we cannot map this. We recommend that prior to connecting data, or just after, users are added as a tag to contacts in Greenhouse. This allows us to import that data as a keyword/tag in Beamery, and then apply a bulk assign in Beamery.

  • Custom fields – Customers can create certain custom fields in Beamery and Greenhouse. These will not automatically map via integration

  • Bulk tags – the one key action that does not immediately get imported to Beamery from Greenhouse is a bulk add tag in Greenhouse (since Greenhouse do not currently support Webhooks for bulk actions). By adding individual tag synchronization to Beamery, if a contact is updated through another mechanism (for example, their stage is changed), the bulk added tag will then synchronise.


Notes are synced bi-directionally between Beamery and Greenhouse. This does not happen instantly, but usually occurs when other updates are made. The integration automatically keeps private notes as private and as such are not synced from Greenhouse to Beamery.

Beamery's Features for Integration Data

Feature Supported Notes
Contact Data Enrichment check_mark_64.png

One of Beamery's features is Enrichment via PDL [previously, Sherlock], whereby contacts are automatically enriched with publicly available information if detected by Beamery's search engine. This also applies to contacts created from Greenhouse.

Enrichment is actioned via a contacts email or social link

Enrichment is customisable [via errandbot]

  • It can be turned-off/on for contacts created in beamery
  • It can be turned-off/on for contacts ingested via Greenhouse

Note: Depending on the mapping, not all enriched data is exported from Beamery to Greenhouse.

Contact Enrichment from Attachments cross_mark_64.png Beamery enriches contact data from attachments and makes the content searchable. The integration currently does not support this feature for attachments imported from Greenhouse.
Search contacts Attachments by filename cross_mark_64.png Greenhouse & Beamery contact's attachments cannot be searched in Beamery by File Name
Search contacts Attachments by content check_mark_64.png Greenhouse & Beamery contacts attachments can be searched in Beamery via Quick & Boolean Search by the files context i.e. attachment text search
Leaderboard Reporting check_mark_64.png Beamery Leaderboard Reporting will be available for stages imported from Greenhouse.
Vacancy Stages Reporting check_mark_64.png Beamery Reporting currently supports SINGLE hiring process flow where all vacancies share the same vacancy stages. Hence, Beamery Reporting does not currently support Vacancy Stages from Greenhouse.


Users, Source, Departments

To ensure that prospects and candidates are synchronized accurately, the following data is synchronized from Greenhouse to Beamery every 1 hr.

  • Users

  • Source

  • Departments

The synchronization process takes around 1 hour from Greenhouse to Beamery. 

If a user exists in Beamery but not Greenhouse, or doesn't have a matching email between Greenhouse and Beamery, they will see an error alert that says "please check with support" etc. It is possible that this error can temporarily show up even if emails match in both systems, as for certain users this data is not immediately available via integration. Beamery can run a re-synchronisation on request to accelerate this matching process, if required.