When you use the Extension to create new profiles in Beamery that include a PDF, you're automating the creation of data-rich Beamery profiles. You also save yourself the time and the manual effort of having to transfer information from a contact’s resume or social profile to their Beamery Profile.
This article will help you understand what happens when you upload an attachment to a Beamery Profile using the Extension. If you’re looking for more information on using the Beamery Extension, check out this article.
The process of data parsing and enrichment happens quickly each time you create a Beamery Profile that includes an attachment using the Extension. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of what happens when you add an attachment to a Beamery Profile:
- The process begins when a contact is created with an attachment using the Extension. This can be done automatically when you download a profile PDF from LinkedIn and then create a Beamery profile. Or, you can manually download the profile PDF of an existing contact and edit the Contact details section of the profile. There you will see an option to upload the PDF. After uploading an attachment, you will see information such as social links, work experience or education information added to the Beamery profile that you did not add yourself. There are two ways that this happens: Parsing and Enrichment.
- Once the Beamery Profile has been created and the attachment has been uploaded, the information on the attachment is automatically parsed onto the Beamery profile. How does parsing work? Beamery scans the information on the attachment, and transfers the information to the relevant fields on the Beamery profile. Through parsing, Beamery can add phone numbers, email addresses, education information, work history and skills to the contact's profile. For example, if an attachment contains an email address, this email address will be added to the email section of the Beamery Profile. Note that parsing will never overwrite information that already exists on a Beamery Profile, it will only add new information to fields for which information has been found.
When an attachment is parsed and information is added to the Beamery Profile, all email addresses found on the attachment will be added to the Profile. This means that in rare cases where a candidate has included other email addresses on their resume (for example, a referee's email address), these will also be added to the Beamery Profile as if they are the candidate's email address. - Next, the profile information is automatically enriched with information that is freely available in the public domain, using Beamery’s Enrichment Engine. During this process, the enrichment engine uses unique information like a contact’s email address and social links to search online for additional information that is available from these sites, and adds it to the Beamery Profile. Enrichment can add phone numbers, email addresses, education information, work history and skills to a Beamery profile. For example, if Beamery’s Enrichment Engine finds an additional email address for the contact, this will be added to the email section of their profile. Note that enrichment will never overwrite information that already exists on a Beamery Profile.
- The Beamery Profile now contains the information that was parsed from the attachment that you added to the profile, and information that has been added to the profile via enrichment. To understand which method added a specific piece of information, check the attachment itself. If the information is visible on the attachment, then it was added to the Beamery Profile via parsing, but if the information is not visible on the attachment, then the information was added via enrichment.
- The vast majority of profiles will be parsed and enriched with information that is 100% accurate. But in a small number of cases, you may find information that has been added to the profile that does not make sense to you, or seems out of place. This may be due to the information available online about a candidate being inaccurate or out of date, or due to a rare issue with the above process. You can edit any information on a profile by clicking the pen icon next to the information and then make changes. If you have questions about a specific profile, please reach out to support@beamery.com. Your feedback will help to improve these processes.
In Summary...
Beamery’s parsing and enrichment process allows you to quickly and automatically build contact profiles that are rich with relevant candidate information, saving you the time of searching for the information and logging it manually.
Additional Resources
An Overview of the Beamery Extension
How to Parse Data from a Candidates Resume onto their Beamery Profile
An Overview of Enrichment Actions and Settings