Profile and Location Updates - Release Spring 2023

Last Updated:


Type: Bug Fix

  • The Copy Vacancy ID option from the profile should have behaved in the same way as Copy Vacancy ID on the vacancy list page. However, it was copying an alternative ID which wasn't available for searching.

    This issue was resolved and is no longer occurring.

Type: Enhancement

  • When a user clicks on the ‘Push to ATS’ button from the profile, a different message will appear on the toast.

    • If the ATS is Workday, it will say
      “Contact pushed to Workday. The data may take up to several hours to update.”

    • In case of any other ATS, it will say “Contact pushed to ${ATS}. The contact will appear in ${ATS} shortly.”

Type: Refactor

  • A new location provider has been introduced.

    When users try to add a location/preferred location to a candidate or to find candidates using the Radius Search filter from the people grid, they need to use a city or a country. Typing into the input field a postcode or an address will no longer produce any results.