Using Beamery Insights

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Gain valuable insights from the rich data you acquire through Beamery’s Talent Lifecycle Management platform. Beamery’s intelligence takes data from across the talent lifecycle and brings you powerful insights and are easily visualized for you to take action.

  • View user interactions down to the week to gain a more granular understanding of what is going on and how to drive adoption. Filter by group such as team or seniority. Plus, there is no time limit so you can look at patterns of behaviors over time. 
  • Understand how you’re building your database of contact. Check how complete the profiles of your contact are, for example, do you have education and experience information?
  • Track how the contact came to be. Such as uploaded from your ATS or a CSV, or using our Beamery Extension. Better understand how your source contacts to change behaviors.

Get the most value out of your Beamery experience by using Insights. Confidently make informed decisions, track behaviors, and drive adoption. Learn more about Beamery Insights below.

*Please note: Beamery Insights is not available to all users. 

Table of Contents

Getting Started
Scheduling a Report
Beamery Vacancy Attribution Report
User Insights
Contact Insights
Campaign Attribution
Watch a Demo

Getting Started

Use the navigation bar on the left to switch between different reports within Beamery Insights or to log out of the system altogether. 


Across the top of the reports pages you will find the following controls -


a. Date filter - filter the results on the page to a specific date range. There are filter options for all timeframes as well as advanced options like the ability to string multiple date filters together - ensuring you get the right data at the right time.


b. Team filter - choose to filter your results based on teams. This is a multi-select field, allowing you to filter for as many teams as you like. As a reminder, teams are defined in Beamery under settings. 

c. Country filter - if your organization uses countries as a user identifier, you can filter your results based on country here. 

d. Reload - when you make changes to your report, you will need to click here to reload the results.

e. Show / hide filters - show or hide the filters at the top of the screen. This will also show how many filters you currently have active.

f. More Options - these include downloading a report, scheduling delivery of a report, and resetting the report filters. 

Scheduling a Report

To schedule a report to be delivered to yourself or a colleague, click the vertical ellipses at the top right-hand corner of the screen and select Schedule delivery (or alt + shift + s on your keyboard).

This will open a dialogue box where you can customize your delivery settings.

In the Settings tab, you can schedule multiple deliveries, so be sure to give each a distinct name, and then choose the optimal schedule for your deliveries. Enter the email addresses you'd like this report to be sent to and choose the proper format (CSV, PDF or PNG). 

In the Filters tab, you'll find the ability to choose a date range, a specific user (by email address), a specific team or country for the report. 

And in the Advanced options tab you have the ability to include a custom message and control the way the report is displayed. There you will also find a setting to change the delivery time zone. 

You can test the report at any time, but be aware that the test will go to the email address listed on the settings tab. If you wish to test it in your email first, you will need to change the delivery address first. 

Once you have a report schedule created, clicking on Schedule delivery will show you all of your existing delivery schedules and allow you to edit or delete them (via the vertical ellipses) or create new ones. 

Beamery Vacancy Attribution Report

Are you looking to understand how Beamery helps you with your talent acquisition process? Do you have difficulties tracking hiring outcomes and trends over time? Do you struggle when comparing hiring trends and data across historical periods? Would you like to see the full vacancy funnel and conversion rates by department, team, contact source, and individual recruiters and sourcers, for both Beamery attributable, and not-attributable candidates? How about viewing and exporting filtered contacts behind the vacancies? 

Beamery Vacancy Attribution Reports can help you to gain valuable insights. 

Why do you need a Beamery Vacancy Attribution Report? 

Beamery Vacancy Attribution Report can help you: 

  • Investigate any abnormalities in the recruiting process and troubleshoot them.
  • Evaluate sourcing and recruiting teams’ productivity and performance.
  • Understand Beamery’s return on investment (ROI) and the ways Beamery helps you in your talent acquisition process.
  • Collect valuable data points to shape future hiring strategies. 

Illustrations of the overall data points and filters during the recruitment process.

Definition of Components 

Vacancy Stage Mapping

You have your own vacancy stages for your company. In order to better collect and visualize important data points from your company/your context, Beamery maps your specific stages with generalized categories in the system. As a result, you can view a standardized report visualizing your hiring funnel and the progress of your candidates through the vacancies. 

General Beamery categories are: 

Beamery Category Order
Prospect 1
Applied 2
Review 3
Screen 4
Interview 5
Offer 6
Post-Offer 7
Hired 8
Rejected 9


Illustration of data filtered by the “Assigned To” field on a contact.

Illustration of data filtered by the “Sourced By” field on a contact. 

Beamery Attribution Definition

A Beamery attributable contact is one that was interacted with within the Beamery platform prior to them being added to a vacancy.

The flow would look like as follows:

  1. Attributable action performed on the contact 
  2. Contact is added to a vacancy

Beamery Attributable Actions

Beamerry attributable actions are actions that are performed on a contact within the Beamery platform. A contact would be considered as Beamery attributable if the contact meets ANY of the criteria below:

  • The contact was created via a Beamery feature (e.g. extension, flows, etc.)
  • The contact was sent a message, opened a message, clicked on a link located in a message or replied to a message less than 30 days before entering the vacancy.
  • One of the following actions were performed on the contact less than 30 days before entering the vacancy:
    • A user or contact updated the contact’s profile (could be via the CSV import)
    • Contact was added to a pool by a user
    • User sent an SMS to the contact
    • User was assigned the contact
    • User added a global tag to the contact
    • User added a note to the contact
    • Contact created the talent portal profile
    • Contact updated the talent portal profile
    • Contact submitted a flow
    • Contact submitted an event flow
    • Contact completed the talent portal form

Illustration of the chart representing the vacancy stage conversion rate (Beamery Attributable).

The user who performs Beamery attributable actions must be a specific user from your company. The action of the user whose email contains any of the following attributes is considered Beamery Not-Attributable:

  • Integration
  • API 

Please note that the recipe triggered actions are considered as Beamery Not-Attributable actions.

Illustration of the chart representing the vacancy stage conversion rate (Beamery Not Attributable). 


User Insights

The User Insights page allows you a high-level overview of which users are in Beamery, how often, and what actions they are taking while in the platform. Find an explanation on each of the charts below. 


  1. Company Overview - see an overview into your total users. The left shows the total number of licensed users (neither disabled nor deleted) and the right shows the breakdown of the number of users licensed, deleted, and disabled. 
  2. Licensed Users - the left and center charts in this section show a view of user activity over the last 30 days. Left is the number of licensed users active in Beamery in the last 30 days, and center is a breakdown of the number of times those licensed and active users logged into Beamery in the last 30 days. The far right chart shows when the last login of all licensed users was. In this chart, the blue segment will represent the number in the far left chart (licensed users active in the last 30 days).


  3. Active Users over time - track usage and adoption over time. Recognize trends and spot opportunities for improvement. You can also drill into any data point to see exactly the number of users active on a specific day or week.                                                 insights_drill2.png insights_drill.png

  4. Raw User Data - see the raw data for user activity including user role, status, last login and more. 


Totals - find totals for the number of activities users are performing in Beamery. Here you will see the total number of contacts created and the number of contact updates made (5). Note that contact updates made (top right) will include multiple updates made to a single contact. Below you will also see the number of notes created, inmails logged and direct messages sent (6) over the time period you’ve selected.


  1. User Activities over time - here you will see a visual representation of the previous charts over the time period you’ve selected. Click on the name of an activity in the legend to hide or show it in the chart. Explore the data further by clicking a data point and drilling down into the results to specific metrics by day. 
  1. User Activities raw - see the raw data for the previous charts to track usage by individual users over the time period selected. 


Contact Insights

Contact insights gives you a laser view into the growth of your database and the completeness of its contents. Gain knowledge on which sources provide the most complete contact profiles, CRM growth over time and more. 


  1. CRM Overview - on the left is the total of Net New contacts created in your database over the time period selected at the top of the page. Net new contacts are those that have not been deleted, anonymized, archived, or merged. On the right is a view into the sources of the contacts created. Click into any of these sources to see more information on where these contacts originated from. 
  2. Contact Completeness - see a visualization of how complete the data in your contacts is over the time period selected. On the left is an overview of the level of completeness by source for all contacts and on the right is a more detailed view of the completeness categories, also broken down by source. Click to drill into any of these charts.


  3. Contact Event Changes - track event changes (like contacts anonymized, merged, deleted and more) with this chart. Spot trends by activating or deactivating each event in the legend. 
  4. Contact Base Over Time - see how your database has grown over the time period selected with this running net new graph. Click on any data point to drill into the data by weeks or days.

Campaign Attribution Report

Understanding how your Campaigns are contributing to applications, and eventual hires is a vital need across organizations. You need data on how many candidates who received a campaign message end up applying to jobs, getting interviewed, and eventually getting hired. It’s also invaluable to know which campaigns are performing better so that they can define best practices on how to cultivate future talent. In addition, which teams, departments, and Campaign types are the most successful? And building a long-term strategy requires data over 180 days old. The Campaign Attribution Report brings all of these data points together to help you be more intentional about your team’s candidate marketing.

Sorting and Filtering

  • Delivery Date
  • Campaign Name
  • Campaign Type
    • Dynamic
    • Single
    • Triggered
  • Campaign Owner
  • Day from message receipt to application (max 90 days)
  • Vacancy Department

Reporting Fields

  • Messages Delivered
  • Open Rate - Percent of email opens vs emails delivered
  • Recipients Opened - Number of emails opened
  • Click rate on delivered - Percent of emails clicked on vs emails delivered 
  • Recipients clicked - Number of emails clicked
  • Reply rate - Percent of emails replied to vs emails delivered
  • Recipients replied - the number of email recipients who replied to emails

These reporting fields are all relevant to receiving a message within the date range specified in the dashboard filters

  • Prospects engaged - the number of email recipients who engaged with a vacancy in some way, including those who did and did not become applicants.
  • Applications submitted - the number of applications submitted
  • Average days to apply after campaign message delivered - the average time between receiving a message and applying. This applies to Campaigns delivered in the time range specified. 
  • Total offers - the number of offers given to applicants who received a message

Attribution Funnels 

Message Interaction Funnel

A funnel of message actions (delivered, opened, clicked)

Attributable Applications Funnel

A funnel of outcomes from applications submitted during the time specified in the Dashboard filter

Campaign Details

Campaign Message Details

A detailed list of all Campaigns that match the filters you have selected.

Campaign Attributable Applications Details

A detailed list of contact, applicants, offers and hires, and their corresponding email campaign that match the filters you have selected.

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